Showcase your brand to maximise your reach. Sponsor a Zoom Out session and really get your message out there.
Zoom Out is a networking event between travel media and PR representatives of travel brands, which takes place 4 times a year in Central London. Each event averages around 100 people and is available for sponsorship by a destination or travel brand.
Sponsors of Zoom Out can use the event as an opportunity to promote themselves, whether that be something new or just a reminder to attending media of their product/ destination.
Sponsors will receive branding on the official invitation, an opportunity to speak at the event, have their branding on name badges and receive a list of contacts after the event so they can follow up.
Sponsorship is a bespoke package, based on what the company/destination would like to achieve from the event. We will simply sit down with you and work out the best way to promote you without breaking the bank!